david hieatt

Tao of Tea

R0014590 (1)

1, If you do the small things well, you will do the big things well

2, Show respect for the person you are making it for. You should show all people an equal amount of respect.

3, There are no short cuts in life, making a cup of tea can teach you that.

4, You will only be as good as your last cup. Consistency is important.

5, Always have the right ingredients for the job and the right tools. Never skimp on either.

6, No matter how busy you are, you always need time for a break because everything gains perspective by putting some distance between you and your problems.

7, Always remember you are making tea for them. If they like weak tea don’t give them strong tea just because that is what you like.

8, Be open to new ideas. Maybe putting the milk in last has some benefits.

9, Don’t look for compliments about your tea. If they come, they come.

10, Don’t go to the trouble of making a good cuppa only to spoil it with cheap biscuits.


How to make a good cuppa.

1, boil fresh water.

2, warm both the teapot and the cups. (always use a teapot)

3, place one rounded teaspoon of tea per person. (and one for the pot)

4, as soon as the kettle has boiled pour the water on

leaves and stir.

5, leave for 3-4 minutes, depending how strong you like it.

6, add milk first to your cup

7, pour tea when ready.

8, phew.

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