david hieatt

The reason most businesses fail is because they never start.


The start line is the scariest place.

Step beyond it and you can be judged. 

Step beyond it and you can fail.

Step beyond it and you can no longer hide behind what might have been.

Most people talk about starting something one day.

But ‘one day’ doesn’t ever come along.

They don’t get past the start line.

Their ideas are probably good enough to succeed.

But their belief isn’t strong enough.

The patent office doesn’t hold the best ideas.

They sit in the back of your head waiting for you to believe in them enough to start.

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Gosh this is true. Having stepped beyond the line, it's still tough, but what you find is that there are new lines every day you need to cross -- like the first time you do cold calling. But once you have the right mindset you can keep crossing the lines and keep growing your comfort zone.

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