david hieatt

Be first on the train. That way, you get a seat.



I have never liked Facebook. I just don't get it. The only reason I went on there was that my old next neighbour invited me. He was also Clare’s uncle. And to boot, he was my old football coach. So I just couldn’t say no to him. And, then once you are on there, well, they’ve got you. I never use it. I don’t know what my password is. I am sure it works for lots of people, but it isn’t for me.

But I do like Google+. I like the idea of the circles. So you choose who to share stuff with.  I like that idea. I get that.  I think restriction is a big idea. If apple were going to do a social media website, it may well have looked and worked like this.

Right now, the audience is small. And there's plenty of room on the train. But I know that is going to change. And when it changes, it will change quickly. And it will change en masse.

So before it arrives at a station called Mainstream, I am using my time to learn about what it can do.

Which is a lot.






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Hi David.

I'm in partial agreement, and partial disagreement.

Facebook has that restriction mechanism too. They don't call it Circles, they call it Lists. It does the same thing as Circles, but FB don't talk much about it. I don't think Facebook wants you to use it. Perhaps Google understands what you say about "restriction being a good idea", but Facebook are a bit hungry for volume, at all costs.

But Facebook and Google+ are just tools, or sets of tools. They're just mechanisms. It's the users that create the culture, the content, the important stuff. So as and when Google+ gathers momentum gets used by more people, why can we expect Google+ to be any different to Facebook?

Why do you not like Facebook? And why would Google+, having arrived at Mainstream, be much different, even with the clearer ability to stream content to different groups?


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