The Do Lectures this coming Spring is giving the event a theme.The theme is 'Start-Up'. The plan is to provide a modern day tool kit to someone who is starting up.It will be an intense, accelerated 72 hours of learning.There will be 20 speakers who will speak on all the stepping stones of getting to the start line of a new business, social business or NG0.But that is just the start.From the 100 attendees 4 breakaway groups will form.
Each group will be led by one of the founding partners. Together they will start a business within the 72 hours. Each workshop will take the group to another stage of the 'start-up'. Websites will be built there and then, code will be written, logo's will be designed, trademarks searched for, and funding found, and pitches delivered.
Each of the 4 businesses will then pitch their ideas to everyone. The winner will get a small amount of seed funding to help on its way.
And if 20 speakers and 12 workshops wasn't enough. Then there will be skype video mentors who will be mainly made up of old do lectures speakers to help guide you through all this. Like I said, it will be intense. Getting a coffee sponsor on board is for good practical reasons. There will not be much sleep. This is called accelerated learning for a good reason. And to be honest, we don't know how it is going to work out. In life, you have to try new stuff, and that means doing stuff that may not work at all. But I suspect, it will be just the most amazing 72 hours you will have had in a long time.
If you want to apply, apply today. Don't defer. Don't put it on the back burner.
Treat that dream in your head with respect. And understand the urgency of it.
May i suggest that you contact Martina Gruppo at and ask if she would be willing to provide the coffee for this, she has a great story to tell and now supplies all of the coffee we consume at work, please fell free to let her know i suggested her.
Posted by: Dave Smith | 11/14/2012 at 01:05 PM
Puis-je suggérer que vous communiquiez avec Martina Gruppo à et lui demander si elle serait prête à fournir le café pour cela, elle a une belle histoire à raconter et fournit désormais tous le café que nous consommons au travail, s'il vous plaît n'hésitez pas de lui faire savoir je lui ai suggéré.
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