david hieatt

Why Love Pays Well. (In the end.)

Photo 13

This is the first poster in a series of 10 that aims to pass on some pearls of wisdom learnt from sitting and listening to half a decades worth of inspiring talks at The Do Lectures.

Each day you’re given 86,400 seconds from the ‘Time Bank’. Everyone is given the same. There are no exceptions. Once you make your withdrawal, you’re free to spend it as you want.

The ‘Time Bank’ won’t tell you how to spend it.

But there are some simple truths: Your time is limited. And one day you will go to the bank and it won’t have anymore for you. Time poorly spent will not replaced with more time. Time is precious. Indeed, it is more valuable than money as you can make more money but not more time.

Time spent doing something you love is the best investment you can make. Time will fly when you do that. You will practice. And practice. And practice. And all that hard work will never feel like hard word. And by heck, you will get good at it. Malcolm Gladwell was right, ‘Talent is the ability to practice’.

Don’t listen to your excuses about not following your heart. You have put those barriers there. So you will have to remove them too.

Don’t have a deferred life plan. That time will never come again.

And don’t be frightened to start at the bottom. Just make sure you start at the bottom of the thing that matters to you.

You see, love pays well. Not just in a pay cheque but in your health, in your happiness, and in your family life.

Life is short.

Tomorrow you will only get 86,400 seconds.

Just like the rest of us.

The 'Love Pays Wel' Poster is available at www.thedolectures.co.uk



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