If The Polo mint didn’t have a hole, it wouldn’t be the same.
Of course, you would have around 25% more mint.
But the magic would have gone.
The Polo would no longer be The Polo.
It’s often the case of what you don’t do, don’t have, don’t say, ends up defining you.
Take The Do USA as another example. It’s special because of the bit in the middle.
Of course, the talks are inspiring.
And yes, the attendees are the most progressive and driven people you could ever wish to meet.
But those things alone don’t explain the magic.
The bit in the middle is the morning run when you see a coyote. It’s the food that was in the ground when you woke up, it’s the music from an un-signed band, it’s being so far from everywhere, it’s the smell of campfire smoke on your clothes, it's the iconic location, it's, well, all of it.
You see, most talks, most conferences do a great job of inspiring you, and then you have a cup of tea or a beer and off you go on your way home.
But ideas need conversation, they need debate, they need challenging, they need people with different viewpoints, they need airplay. But what ideas need most is time and the space for them to germinate.
In short, staying for the 3 days, and the 3 nights is the magic.
It's the hole in the Polo.
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