In an ideal world you would have both these things in one person. Alas, that isn’t always possible. So if you had to choose, I would choose Hunger.
Hunger is always keen to learn. Always trying to get better. Hunger is always putting the extra hours in. Hunger doesn’t get lazy.
Over time Hunger works so hard at his thing that his Talent begins to shine above even someone with a natural gift for it. Hunger is normally insecure about his Talent. So continues to work at it. He never loses the Hunger. So just keeps putting the practice in. Malcolm Gladwell believes ‘Talent is the desire to practise’. I am pretty sure he is right on that.
Indeed Talent comes from the hunger to get better. You can’t give people hunger. You can’t train it or inspire it. They either have it in their belly or not. It comes with them when they walk in the room. Or not.
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