david hieatt

Yup, your dreams should scare you.

At the Do Lectures this year was a guy called Rohan Anderson. He is a grower, hunter and gatherer. He wrote the very successful book and blog: Whole Larder Love. He did an amazing talk at The Do and silenced everyone listening, which doesn’t happen too often.

After speaking to him I could tell he was on the edge of doing something that was incredibly important to him. But like all dreams that we keep to ourselves, sharing them with others is scary. Because we are vulnerable then, we can be judged and criticised. And we can fall flat on our face.

So it was so good to see that last week he had taken the big bold step of sharing that dream.

He wants Australia to eat healthier. It’s a good dream.


Here's his Do Talk.


I know, he will make it happen. He is a force of nature.

Here’s to the dreamers of the world. Because nothing changes without them.



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