david hieatt

Invest 30 minutes in ‘You’ today.

We are all busy. But change doesn’t require much in the way of time. Out of each day, give yourself 30 minutes. Just for you. Make it something that matters to you. Then invest 30 minutes each day in it. Just plug away at it. Not for long. But often.

30 minutes is small enough amount of time for most people to find. But long enough to make a big difference over a period of time. 

Getting fit is a great investment in ‘You’. Doing yoga is a great investment in You. Reading a great book is an investment in ‘You’. Meditating each day is a great investment in ‘You’. Learning a new skill is a great investment in ‘You’.

Mostly these things require an investment of time, and not money. So these are open to all.

Last year I got asked to write for Do Book Co. It was difficult to say no, as Miranda, who runs Do Book Co, knew I wanted to write a book at some point. Also I wanted to support Do Book Co as I had encouraged her to do it in the first place. (It publishes books from speakers at The Do Lectures, which I had co-founded along with Clare). So I said yes.

Of course, I was too busy to write a book. I was building the Hiut Denim Co from nothing, and in the early years that takes a lot of pushing. Plus, we were busy shaping The Do Lectures and setting it up on our farm. My days were already full.

So I decided the best way to do it was give it 30 minutes each day. The bulk of the writing for it was done by getting up early. I would write from 6.30-7.00 am. Then I would stop. And go and make breakfast for the family.

I had to create a new habit. I had to find 30 minutes to invest in me, so that is what I did. The editing stages involved me putting time aside on the weekends, too. And that took more time that I had figured. Granted. But without putting those 30-minute chunks aside, my book would have never been written.

My biggest learning was a big project like writing a book when you don’t have time to write a book is best approached by breaking it down into small more manageable chunks of time.

You don’t miss 30 minutes out of your day.

You don’t have to do much each day, but you have to do something.

How to Build a Great Brand with Very Little Money Do Workshop -London April 24th.

My Book. Do Purpose. Why brands with a purpose do better and matter more'















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