david hieatt

Want interes-ting things to happen? Do interes-ting things.


I don't think you can separate jeans and music.

Hiut Denim Co has made jeans for some great musicians from The Stranglers to the Arctic Monkeys. 

We briefed Weareknit, an uber cool technology company that makes ideas come to life, to make that link even stronger in this crazy digital world.

This is what they come up with. The Internet of radio. It allows our followers on Twitter to chose the music that the factory listens to. All our Twitter followers have to do is write: #hiutmusic followed by the name of the artist and the track. And that's it. Then it plays that track at the Hiut Denim Factory. I love this connection of making a great pair of jeans and this digital world we live in. 

When a company has no marketing money, it has to do interesting things. Or die.

The more we do interesting things, the more interesting things happen.

I love that equation.

Here's a film to explain more: http://hiutdenim.co.uk/blogs/films


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